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[영어] 나만의 한 줄 일기쓰기 DAY 1 / 동호회에 가입하다

by ㅣbeigeㅣ 2020. 2. 16.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009, Windy

1) I started to take a picture as a hobby. I bought myself a DSLR camera. I wanted to meet people who have same hobby with me. so 2) I joined the photo club last week. 3) I'm doing hard club activities these days. I have no time to meet my friends because of that. Wow! 4) I love taking pictures!

1) 취미로 무엇을 하기 시작했다 = I started to 무엇 as a hobby.

어떤 취미가 있다 = 어떤 일을 한다 + as a hobby

취미 : 사진찍기 take a photo l 피아노 치기 play the piano l 바이올린 켜기 play the violin l 재즈댄스 jazz dance l 그림 그리기 paint l 등산 hike l 스노보드 snowboard l 요리 cook l 베이킹 bake

I started to learn cooking as a hobby.

I started to play the piano as a hobby.

I started to collecting fashion magazines as a hobby.

<추가 표현>

I'm ashamed of not yet having developed a particular hobby.

I want to have a new hobby.

I want to start painting as a hobby.

2) I'm doing hard club activities 동호회 활동에 열심이다.

어떤 동호회나 모임에 가입했다 = I joined + 무슨 동호회 + 날짜 (yesterday, last week)

무슨 요일 = every month (매달) ㅣ once every week (일주일에 한 번)

I joined the traveling club today

I joined the investing club today

I joined an English study group last week.

동호회 : 와인 the wine club l 재테크 the investing club l 영화 the movie club l 오바마 팬 클럽 the Barack Obama fan club l 커피 애호가 the coffee lovers club l 독서 the book club l 재즈댄스 the jazz dance club

<추가 표현>

We will meet in a wine bar every Friday.

I met my English study group today.

I became close with the club members.

3) I'm doing hard club activities 동호회 활동에 열심이다.

동호회나 동아리 활동을 한다 = I'm doing + 무슨 club activities (activity는 단수가 아니라 복수로 쓰기)

I was busy hanging out with other club members.

Our club members study investing every weekend.

I hardly study my major because I'm too busy doing club activities.

4) I love taking pictures! 사진 찍는게 너무 좋다!

I love + 무엇 (동명사) (the most 가장 <-강조)

가장 좋아하는 것 : 와인 마시기 drinking wine l 영화 보기 seeing a movie l 술 마시기 drinking l 춤추기 dancing l 요리하기 cooking l 잠자기 sleeping l 컴퓨터 게임하기 playing computer games l 사진 찍기 taking pictures l 여행가기 traveling


문장들 응용해서 일기 써보기

Sunday, Feb. 16, 2020, Windy

I joined the community club last month. I wanted to meet new people who have same interest and hobby with me. I'm doing hard club activities these days. I have no time to rest at home because of that but I love doing it!

