10 things high achievers always do (but never talk about)
3. 재능에 의존하지 않습니다 : 사람들은 뛰어난 퍼포먼스를 내는 사람들을 보면 그들이 가진 타고난 재능에 감탄하는 반면, 그러한 결과물을 만들기 위해 필요한 고된 작업들에 대해선 쉽게 인정하지 않습니다. 그 정도로 노력하는 것이 어렵다는 것을 본능적으로 알기 때문이죠. 그래서 그 사람의 성공은 타고난 재능 덕분이라며 쉽게 퉁쳐서 설명하려고 합니다. 반면, 높은 성취를 이룩한 사람들은 재능이 아니라 매일매일 발전하기 위해 노력하는 순간들이 중요하다는 점을 인정하고, 매일 발전하기 위해 집중합니다. 재능을 포기의 핑계로 삼지 않는 것이죠.
4. 성장 마인드셋을 가지고 있습니다 : 세상에는 두 종류의 사람이 있습니다. 자신의 재능과 자질이 고정되어 있다고 믿는 사람(Fixed mindset)과 자신의 재능과 자질은 노력을 통해 계속해서 발전할 수 있다고 믿는 사람(Growth mindset). 이 둘 중 누가 더 많은 것을 성취할 수 있을까요? 쉽게 답할 수 있을 겁니다. 그리고 성장 마인드셋을 가진 사람들은 어려운 순간에 직면하더라도, 언젠가는 이를 극복하고 성장할 수 있다고 믿음을 가지고 있습니다. 아무리 어려운 시기에 있더라도, 자신의 문제를 돌파하고 성장할 수 있다고 믿는 것. 그게 바로 성장 마인드셋입니다.
5. 집중할 줄 압니다 : 많은 성취를 이룬 사람들은 집중해야 할 때 휴대전화 등 불필요한 것들로부터 방해받지 않습니다. 자신이 해결해야 할 문제에 온전히 집중할 수 있느냐, 아니냐가 성패를 좌우하니까요.
6. 좋은 리소스를 많이 확보하기 위해 노력합니다 : 대부분의 사람들은 어떤 문제에 직면하면, 자신이 알고 있거나 경험한 것 안에서 문제를 해결하려고 합니다. 하지만 어려운 문제일수록 그렇게 해서는 제대로 된 답이 나오지 않죠. 그래서 좋은 결과물을 꾸준히 내는 사람들은 그게 정보든, 사람이든 주변에 좋은 자원들을 계속 확보하기 위해 노력합니다. ‘훌륭한 전략’이나 ‘위기를 돌파하는 재치’ 같은 것도 결국엔 훌륭한 리소스들로부터 나옵니다.
We all admire high achievers. They’re the people who are willing to go the extra mile to make things happen.
But often we’re unsure of how to create our own path to achievement.
High achievers, however, understand that it’s about what they do every day that powers their way to success.
If you want to become a higher achiever yourself, check out these 10 things high achievers do differently than everyone else.
1. They treat life like a game
One of the biggest reasons we don’t improve is that we avoid getting out of our comfort zones.
We place too much importance on being safe than taking risks that will allow us to improve.
But if you treat life like a video game, you’re more likely to try new things.
You’re more likely to move past failure and keep going.
And most importantly, you’re more likely to have fun.
High achievers enjoy the thrill of improving and getting better at life, just as you would in a video game.
In Eric Barker’s book, The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Success Is (Mostly) Wrong, treat life in this way also allows high achievers to keep going without depleting our willpower:
“By engaging in cognitive reappraisal, and telling ourselves a different story about what is happening, we can subvert the entire willpower paradigm. Some research has shown that willpower is like a muscle, and it gets tired with overuse. But it only gets depleted if there’s a struggle. Games change the struggle to something else.”
2. They keep trying in spite of failure
Failure and mistakes are inevitable in life. But the difference with high achievers is that they don’t let failures stop them from trying again.
According to psychologist Angela Duckworth in her book, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, grit is the number one predictor of success.
She says that staying committed and turning up every day is reflective of true grit:
“Staying on the treadmill is one thing, and I do think it’s related to staying true to our commitments even when we’re not comfortable…
“But getting back on the treadmill the next day, eager to try again, is in my view even more reflective of grit…”
“Because when you don’t come back the next day—when you permanently turn your back on a commitment—your effort plummets to zero. As a consequence, your skills stop improving, and at the same time, you stop producing anything with whatever skills you have.”
3. They don’t rely on talent
Our society tends to praise natural talent, but we forget that it takes hard work to develop expertise.
Angela Duck worth explains it perfectly in her book Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance:
“In other words, we want to believe that Mark Spitz was born to swim in a way that none of us were and that none of us could. We don’t want to sit on the pool deck and watch him progress from amateur to expert. We prefer our excellence fully formed. We prefer mystery to mundanity.”
There aren’t many people who can rely on their natural talent to become high achievers.
Life is challenging, and it takes hard work and persistence to reach your goals.
Believing that you don’t have the “talent” to achieve your goals is a limiting belief that stops you from working hard.
High achievers focus on what they can control, which is their ability to work hard and keep improving every day.
Hard work is an excellent quality to have. But what else makes you unique and exceptional?
To help you find the answer, I’ve created a fun quiz. Answer a few personal questions and I’ll reveal what your personality “superpower” is and how you can utilize it to make the world a better place.
4. They have a growth mindset
According to psychologist Carol S. Dweck, a fixed mindset is “believing your qualities are carved in stone,” while a growth mindset is “the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts.”
Which mindset do you think high achievers have?
High achievers have a passion for stretching themselves to reach their potential.
They have discipline and focus to keep trying even when the odds are stacked against them.
Dweck says that this is the mindset that allows people to thrive during some of the most challenging times in life:
“Why waste time proving over and over how great you are, when you could be getting better? Why hide deficiencies instead of overcoming them? Why look for friends or partners who will just shore up your self-esteem instead of ones who will also challenge you to grow? And why seek out the tried and true, instead of experiences that will stretch you? The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when it’s not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset. This is the mindset that allows people to thrive during some of the most challenging times in their lives.”
5. They can focus
Focus is nothing more than eliminating distractions.
Ed Hallowell, a former professor at Harvard Medical School, says in his book Driven to Distraction that we have “culturally generated ADD.”
According to Ed Hallowell, there is nothing special about people who can focus. It’s simply the ability to limit the options for procrastinating.
“Focus is a function, first and foremost, of limiting the number of options you give yourself for procrastinating… I think that focus is thought of as this magical ability. It’s not a magical ability. It’s put yourself in a padded room, with the problem that you need to work on, and shut the door. That’s it. The degree to which you can replicate that, and systematize it, is the extent to which you will have focus.”
QUIZ: What’s your hidden superpower? We all have a personality trait that makes us special… and important to the world. Discover YOUR secret superpower with my new quiz. Check out the quiz here.
6. They are resourceful
When the boss puts a deadline that’s much shorter than what they’re used to, a high achieving person doesn’t sit still trying to go about the process as usual.
They get to work to figure out what parts of the process can be expedited, delegated, or done in a different way with a different piece of software.
They ask around for help and try out different approaches.
They always keep an open mind about what they can leverage to do what they need to do.
While being resource is a great quality, there’s actually another secret to getting whatever you truly want in life.
But it’s got nothing to do with what phony manifestation gurus are constantly on about.
To discover how to turn this switch on, watch her excellent free video here.
7. They resolve to overcome their problems
If there’s one thing that separates high achievers in any domain of life, it’s the willingness to welcome obstacles and embrace challenges.
High achievers see them as a force that will make them stronger, strengthen their skills and make them more valuable.
We all know that we will encounter challenges, but if you face these challenges with an openness and willingness to be challenged, you’ll find yourself constantly improving and getting better as life goes on.
Self-improvement expert Tony Robbins says it best:
“Your biggest problem is you think you shouldn’t have them. ‘Cause problems are what make us grow. Problems are what sculpt our soul. Problems are what make us become more.”
8. They make sure to keep positive
Research suggests that so much of motivation is about mood and how we feel.
When we’re positive, we’re more likely to be effective and productive.
According to the book, The Happiness Advantage:
“…doctors put in a positive mood before making a diagnosis show almost three times more intelligence and creativity than doctors in a neutral state, and they make accurate diagnoses 19 percent faster. Optimistic salespeople outsell their pessimistic counterparts by 56 percent. Students primed to feel happy before taking math achievement tests far outperform their neutral peers. It turns out that our brains are literally hardwired to perform at their best not when they are negative or even neutral, but when they are positive.”
This doesn’t mean they ignore their reality or that they avoid difficult situations.
Being optimistic means you approach hardship in a more productive way.
They don’t waste time dwelling on the negative. They instead look to what they can learn from negative situations and how it can help them in the future.
A high-achieving person realizes that everyone can choose to be optimistic. After all, studies show that optimism is about 25 percent inheritable. The rest is in our control.
9. They take responsibility
There can be a litany of reasons why you haven’t made any progress on your goals. The motivation isn’t there, the time isn’t right, you just haven’t got the skills yet, cookies are just too good.
These are excuses, which is something that isn’t in a high achieving person’s vocabulary.
When you decide on a goal, it’s important to remember that you chose it.
A high achieving person doesn’t blame others for imposing such an impossible goal on them — they take responsibility for their actions.
They seize control of themselves so that they remain accountable for what they decide to do or not do.
QUIZ: Are you ready to find out your hidden superpower? My epic new quiz will help you discover the truly unique thing you bring to the world. Click here to take my quiz.
10. They’re organized
Time is our most precious resource. It was Annie Dillard that wrote, “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives”.
If we aren’t allocating the time and energy needed to achieve a certain goal, it will never be fulfilled.
The benefit of having an organized system is that it allows all the focus to be placed on the work itself.
According to James Clear, author of Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones, all big things come from small beginnings, and it’s really your habits every day that determines where you’re going:
“All big things come from small beginnings. The seed of every habit is a single, tiny decision. But as that decision is repeated, a habit sprouts and grows stronger. Roots entrench themselves and branches grow. The task of breaking a bad habit is like uprooting a powerful oak within us. And the task of building a good habit is like cultivating a delicate flower one day at a time.”
Can a relationship coach help you too?
If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to a relationship coach.
I know this from personal experience…
A few months ago, I reached out to Relationship Hero when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into the dynamics of my relationship and how to get it back on track.
If you haven’t heard of Relationship Hero before, it’s a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people through complicated and difficult love situations.
In just a few minutes you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get tailor-made advice for your situation.
I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my coach was.
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영어 원문 읽기 : 10 things high achievers always do (but never talk about) (hackspirit.com)
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