강의 열간 가공 또는 열처리로 인하여 강 표층부의 탄소 농도가 감소된 부분.
탈탄한 부분. 그 탄소 농도(actual carbon)는 생지 탄소 농도(base carbon)와 탈탄 장소 농도(decarburized carbon)의 차와 같다. 즉, 탈탄층에서 C%는 그 층에 남아있는 C%와 같은 결과가 된다.
[네이버 지식백과] 탈탄층 [decarburized layer, 脫炭層] (금속용어사전, 1998. 1. 1., 금속용어사전편찬회)
For the corrosion caused by exposure to hydrogen, see Hydrogen embrittlement.
Decarburization (or decarbonization) is the process opposite to carburization, namely the reduction of carbon content.
The term is typically used in metallurgy, describing the reduction of the content of carbon in metals (usually steel). Decarburization occurs when the metal is heated to temperatures of 700 °C or above when carbon in the metal reacts with gases containing oxygen or hydrogen.[1] The removal of carbon removes hard carbide phases resulting in a softening of the metal, primarily at the surfaces which are in contact with the decarburizing gas.
Decarburization can be either advantageous or detrimental, depending on the application for which the metal will be used. It is thus both something that can be done intentionally as a step in a manufacturing process, or something that happens as a side effect of a process (such as rolling) and must be either prevented or later reversed (such as via a carburization step).
The decarburization mechanism can be described as three distinct events: the reaction at the steel surface, the interstitial diffusion of carbon atoms and the dissolution of carbides within the steel.[2]
Decarburization - Wikipedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search Decarburization (or decarbonization) is the process opposite to carburization, namely the reduction of carbon content. The term is typically used in metallurgy, describing the reductio
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