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[무역] GRI (Genreral Rate Increase) 란?

by ㅣbeigeㅣ 2021. 8. 19.
TOTAL  $##### + GRI ($200~$500 예상)

이번에 선박 운임 견적을 받았는데 GRI라는 모르는 용어가 나와서 알아봤다.

GRI (General Rate Increase) : 일괄운임인상/기본운임인상

전 세계 선사들이 정기적으로 일부 노선이나 전체 노선을 대상으로 운임을 인상하는 것. 

주기적으로 비용상승 등의 이유로 적용되는데, 시장 상황에 따라 적용되거나 유예되기도 한다.


운임 기본 가격이 특정 기간동안 비싸진다는 뜻이므로 PSS(Peak Season Surchage)와는 다르다. 

(GRI는 기본운임인상, PSS는 성수기할증료)

영어로도 같이 알아보자.

What is a GRI?

A GRI is a general rate increase that carriers can apply to their ocean freight rates.


The GRI is a general rate increase that all ocean carriers may choose to apply. U.S. regulation requires that carriers must announce any GRI at least 30 days in advance. Therefore, U.S. carriers tend to announce a GRI on the 1st of a given month, to take effect the 1st of the following month.

The GRI may vary significantly from month to month. The GRI may also vary between different carriers and trade lanes.


How long does a GRI last?

Even though carriers must announce a GRI 30 days in advance, they are free to lower rates at any time. Prior to the capacity crunch of 2020, it would be common to see GRIs mitigated through a validity period. However, since the capacity crunch began, GRIs now tend to hold throughout the month.

Subscribe to Flexport’s Freight Market Updates to stay up to date on any applicable GRIs.


Example of GRI Implementation

Carrier’s rate for July: $1000/40’

On July 1, carrier announces August 1 GRI of $500/40’

On August 1, the new rate will be: $1500/40’ ($1000 + $500 GRI)


인터넷에서 발견한 공문양식. 참고용


출처 :


[실무를 위한] 무역에서 GRI란? 상승 원인은? (tistory.com)

Flexport Glossary Term | GRI (General Rate Increase)
