Mean, median, mode 뜻 공부해보기
오늘 팀브리핑 듣다가 모르는 단어 나와서 공부해봄
Mean (평균값) : The "average" number; found by adding all data points and dividing by the number of data points.
합계에 그 수량 나눈 값
Median (중앙값,중위값) : The middle number; found by ordering all data points and picking out the one in the middle (or if there are two middle numbers, taking the mean of those two numbers)
작은것부터 배열했을때 중앙에 위치한 값 ex.손가락 중 세번째 손가락이 중앙값
Mode (최빈값) : The most frequent number—that is, the number that occurs the highest number of times.
사람수 ,횟수 가장 큰값
예시로 공부하고싶으면 아래 링크에서 확인하기
Mean, median, and mode review (article) | Khan Academy
평균에 대한 정리 (mean, median, mode) :: 미니의 꿈꾸는 독서, 그리고 프로그래밍 이야기 (
Engaged vs Disengaged employee 뜻
약혼했다는 뜻이 아님!ㅋㅋ
An "engaged employee" is defined as one who is fully absorbed by and enthusiastic about their work and so takes positive action to further the organization's reputation and interests. An engaged employee has a positive attitude towards the organization and its values.
In contrast, a disengaged employee may range from someone doing the bare minimum at work (aka 'coasting'), up to an employee who is actively damaging the company's work output and reputation.
Difference Between Disengaged and Engaged Employees | Socxo
Employee engagement - Wikipedia